Mabel's Babies, Elsa Gets Her Own Cam and Bye Bye Heron
The weekly happenings for the week of June 21, 2020 - June 27, 2020
We begin the week with our lovely roos! Sterling and Remmy have started visiting Scissors so they can get some outside time and get used to the cottage. And also to get both Scissors and Pocket used to the new roos as well.
Scissors had his own adorable moment as he attempted to chase the water.
FarmerSpence planted some pretty roses in with the roos. The roos said, "they were very tasty, thank you!"
A mink unfortunately found it's way to the farm and was stealing the hens eggs. FarmerSpence has since caught the mink and relocated it far way from the farm.
At the ducks, Banksy has been running around a lot on cam this week.
The Blue Heron has been an extra pain this week, taking 2 - 3 fish a day. So FarmerSpence installed a sprinkler to help chase him off.
At the chickens, FarmerSpence's youngest has been busy making armor for the hens.
This week saw the hatching of Mabel's chicks! And our tiniest mom shows she knows what she's doing.
And they even had their first photo shoot!
Elsa is still busy sitting on her eggs so FarmerSpence set up a new cam so we can watch and wait for them to hatch!
And we finish up this week with Ada, sitting comfortably on FarmerSpences hat.
Until next week, we'll see you in chat!