Snowman gets an update and the teens move on
All the happenings the week of December 1, 2019 - December 7, 2019
We're all excited to announce that the snowman got himself an upgrade this week! Take a look at the upgrade to Snowman 2.1.
And the chickens were visited by a turkey parade twice.
This week Lucy (and at times Ethel) decided they had had enough of the deer and starting chasing them off. The girls really got their exercise in this week!
Three of the hens decided to stay out past bed time to eat some treats, so one of farmerSpence's sons had to round them up and get them to bed.
We also had a close call with yet another hawk this week. Everyone is fine, but it was a scary moment. You can see it fly by in the middle cam, going left to right.
And to finish up the week, FarmerSpence update the sub icons for the chicken stream and moved 11 of the teens to the coop at the pond.