Welcome E1 and E2
The happenings for the week of May 16, 2021 - May 22, 2021
Mabel clearly thinks she bigger than she really is.
L1 was quickly getting more used to the chickens. So a nap was in order.
FarmerSpence upgraded the Feeder cam. Again.
Noon feeding time for L1!
And FarmerSpence did another sneaky off stream tree planting. This one in the silkies area.
He also found a hiding spot of Banksy.
Admit it. Banksy is cute.
Dinner feed for L1!
Later he shows us how much he's improved his walking.
Monday we got to see Willis sneaking some extra foods.
Ethel's babies arrive!
The birth of E1, born on May 17th at 8:21am
And the birth of E2, born on May 17th at 9:06am.
For those crazy people that want to watch the whole, unedited event, here's the VOD for you.
Ethel just gave birth to twin lambs, a boy and a girl. All three are doing wonderful. pic.twitter.com/cAybnJCfjc
— FarmerSpence (@farmer_spence) May 17, 2021
After all the excitement, there was still L1 to feed.
Then back at OCL, there was his dinner meal.
Tuesday is cleaning day!
L1 is now 13 days old and looking good!
Getting a bit bouncy!
And getting a drink of water all on his own.
L1 getting a drink of water in his own pic.twitter.com/BQsz5W7fy4
— FarmerSpence (@farmer_spence) May 18, 2021
While Lucy is really liking the new loose minerals.
Ethel gives them a try.
A later dinner at OCL. L1 now weighs 14.2lbs.
Hugsneededdaily contributed towards some sod for the chickens.
Cluckingham Palace has a proper front lawn thank you to @HugsNeededDaily pic.twitter.com/Pfe237fVoW
— FarmerSpence (@farmer_spence) May 19, 2021
the chickens got grass time tonight pic.twitter.com/vmQwLQNowu
— FarmerSpence (@farmer_spence) May 20, 2021
Pumpkin had some quiet grass time, too.
And not so quiet time.
Sheeps got some sod as well!
L2 decided to try the minerals as well.
FarmerSpence tries to encourage L1 to play. And L2 joins in and plays with L1.
L1 upped his meal to 12oz for his dinner bottle.
Thursday brought another gift from GabrielFurlong
FarmerSpence headed out to the farm to band the new lambs tails.
How not to scratch your itchy rump.
L1's evening feed before his first night at the farm. He's officially a big boy now!
FarmerSpence made L1's favorite corner to lay in safe and shady.
We think he likes it.
He seems to be enjoying playing and just being a sheep on his first night.
The kitty chases a mouse and L2 joins.
Friday brings L1 his first morning feed at the farm.
And lunch time! He finished off 20oz!
It took chat all of 4 days to get our second Super Veggie Basket.
That wraps it up for this busy week. We hope yours was more relaxing. Until next week, we'll see you in chat!