Happy Thanksgiving and Double the Noodles

The happenings for the week of November 22, 2020 - November 28, 2020

We begin the week with FarmerSpence's solution to stop the roosters from trying to sleep on top of the Cottage roof instead of in the Cottage. A roll bar.

It works ... sort of.

Also had the problem of one of the unnamed roosters at Rooville not getting into the coop to sleep at night. So FarmerSpence discussed some plans with chat, and came up with a temporary solution.

Then had the lovely task of putting on the door in the dark.

The sheep have been up to some shenanigans this week.

Even scared the ducks!

FarmerSpence decided now was a good time to move Lucy and Ethel into Willis' pen with hopes of some babies next year.

Some deer visited the ducks again this week.

We saw not one, but TWO noodle parties this week! YAY! First up, Amoryllis!

Followed up by etgnomehome!

We were also blessed with a Mabel barrel roll. Please hold your applause.

While poor FilmerTim tried to help Puddles get into the coop for the night.

Now you can applaud!

And we had Thanksgiving! YAY! FarmerSpence decided the hens should have some pumpkin pie as well. Except raw. And with Mealworms.

This week also saw the chickens getting a nice Christmas Tree!

And with the lovely tree came gifts from chat! First up, Gabrielfurlong!

Then there was Tootsbunny!

FarmerSpence didn't forget about the ducks and chickens out at the pond. He brought some pumpkin pie out for them as well!

And as we officially move into the Christmas season, we got Christmas emotes!

That about wraps up this busy week of fun! Hope to see you in chat. Until then, here's ducks on ice! Maybe they can give FarmerSpence a few tips ...