Names, Injuries and the Releasing of the Ducks

The happening for the week of September 20, 2020 to September 26, 2020

This week saw Millie's ducklings move from the coop to the pond!

There's also a highlight if you want to see a little more!

Einstein also moved from the coop to Rooville this week. Though he had a bit of a hard time when it came to sleeping, and seem to think the roof of the Cottage was the place to be.

The other Rooville residents were a little confused about their new bedmate.

So Pocket came over to help make Einstein feel more at home.

FarmerSpence also decided to try and figure out exactly how well Crowbar could see out of his cloudy eye.

The pond also got itself a visitor duck. A mallard that some people in chat call Ms Mallard and other people call her Jesse. Either way, she's a smart cookie.

And she just keeps hopping ...

And hopping!

The Chicken Coop has been just as busy this week with some of the farm hens being moved over.

And they all got names!

Agatha got herself some private treat time.

Sadly, one of the Polish youngsters seem to be a bit injured.

MrsFarmerSpence came out to get her and took her into the house. Here's the update.

And that's it for this week. Join us in chat to see how everyone continues to adjust to their new homes. Until then, here's FarmerSpence having a little chat with Bill.