Newbies Adjusting, Wall is Coming Along, and Hens Are Crowing

The happenings for the week of August 30, 2020 – September 5, 2020

The newbie ducks, Apollo, Artemis and Baby seem to be getting adjusted just fine!

And speaking of ducks, we got new emotes! So cute!

We can't mention ducks without mentioning Billie Junior. Growing up so fast!

Speaking of growing up too fast, the baby chickens are also growing up super quick.

Scissors is also showing that he too, is a big boy.

Einstein is also getting more and more confident as he continues to grow up into a pretty boy. We got some extended evening time with him while Mrs FarmerSpence did some video of him and Queenie also came out for a bit.

Our final newbie Lavender, has had no problems adjusting to her new home at all!

And she has no problem getting to the snacks any way she can!

Some of the hens have decided to take up ... crowing. Oh dear.

The new wall around the chickens area is coming along nicely!

That's it for this week! We hope to see you in chat. For now watch FarmerSpence follow BrokenLeg around filming her for her youtube special! ;)