Baby Billie, Bossy Banksy and Babies, Babies, Babies

The weekly happenings for July 26, 2020 to August 1, 2020

We start our week with the chickens out at the farm getting themselves a new treat machine!

Though they weren't too sure about it at first!

Back at the chickens, FarmerSpence checked to see how those duck eggs were doing.

While Pepper has been having a fun time scaring the hens again ...

And again

And then acts cute by nomming on an apple.

While the ducks at the pond just stared at their watermelon treat, not knowing what to make of it.

Speaking of ducks, guess what? We're partnered now!!!!!!

Speaking of the pond, little Billie Jr is getting out and about with mom and dad and it's SO adorable.

Daddy Bill is super protective of his baby. Watch out!

The only one not scared, or impressed, by the goose family was Banksy.

Speaking of Banksy ... He's been in quite a mood this week.

And OMG we get more babies!

expectingStorms made a long highlight of their arrival and unboxing.

They very quickly went about being all cute and adorable.

The upcoming weeks will be full of cute adorable babies doing their thing. Until then, here's a cute pile of sleeping ducklings. See you in chat!