Feisty Pocket, a Troublesome Fox, and Our First Noodleman Party

Weekly happenings for the week of June 7, 2020 - June 13, 2020

Pocket has been super feisty this week which is oddly adorable. Though it did lead to him and Cotton not getting along.

He didn't stop at just being feisty with Cotton, either. Pocket even to offence to some socks. Yes, you read that right. Socks.

Seem to have a fox problem at the duck pond. FarmerSpence put out a live trap so hopefully he catches him soon.

Knittingmachine1955 did her usual magic and made some ornaments in memory of both Matilda and Oreo.

We got some updates on Mabel's eggs! The tiny soon to be mom seems to be doing a good job.

And we had our first Noodleman Party thanks to Suupernoodle. Sounds like a perfect match to me!

Olivia might have her own babies right now, but she continues to be Aunt Olivia to other baby birds.

Toffee was bound and determined to lay in the nesting box located in the blue coop. Trouble was, the foot step had flipped up and blocked her way. So she perched on the roost until FarmerSpence was able to get it back down. Then she not so gracefully went into the box.

We got some rain this week and the girls got wet. And Queenie looked hilarious.

And now we leave you with this clip of poor Sterling. We're sorry for laughing at you little man ... Until next week, see you in chat.