April Fools, Snow, a Hutch Remodel and Updates.

Weekly happenings for the week of March 29, 2020 - April 4, 2020

We begin our week with an update on Oreo's and Mystery's (a.k.a. Misti) vet appointment.

Sadly, 3 hours later when FarmerSpence went to check on Misti, she had passed away. We didn't know her very well, but she'll still be missed.

The hawk netting finally arrived and FarmerSpence and his mini clones got to work getting it all set up!

For April Fools, FarmerSpence decided to give the hens a little prank.

But Mother Nature had her own April Fools joke a day later.

On the roo front, Evan and Stormy have not been having a good week. At all.

So FarmerSpence decided maybe Stormy needed a break and brought him over to the chickens area to hang out for a night, hoping the short vacation would help.

And Stormy and Evan weren't the only ones not getting along this week. Our nesting goose Billie has gotten quiet tired of the duck boys bugging her this week, and let them know all about it.

The ducks are fine, by the way. They just need to leave Billie alone before she really does hurt them.

On a happier note, Pocket got to meet his mom for the first time.

We also had some egg updates this week! First up, MissF!

And right behind that update, came Millie's eggs the very next day.

With the arrival of Millie's eggs, FarmerSpence repurposed the hutch once again. From rabbit hutch, to hen jungle gym, and now it's Millie's nice new home to hatch her eggs in.

For the sheep, spring means it's time to lose that winter coat. If you couldn't watch it in real time, ExpectingStorms made highlights of the event just for you!

The girls look positively tiny now!

And finally, we finish up this busy week with a happy Pocket giving himself a dust bath in his vacation home (a.k.a. the Silkie Boys coop).