Four new chicks join OurChickenLife!

The most highly anticipated event of the year for chickens finally happened on November 19, 2019. Starting with 13 possible fertile eggs from Pippin and Olivia, and successfully ending with 4 new adorable chicks. expectingStorms put together highlights of each Serama and Belgian D’uccle chick for those who missed the blessed event!

Check out the rest on her HatchLog!

Pippin x Olivia #OPHatchLog
Hatched Nov. 19th, 2019 via incubator.Sired by Pippin, a possible Golden Darkwing Serama Rooster.Biological brood of Olivia, a Mille Fleur Belgian d’Uccle hen. 13 possibly fertile eggs placed in incubator late October, 2019. 5 showed growthinitially.Eventually, only 4 eggs remained. Eggs in left…